Age Of Empires 3 Strategies

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Age Of Empires 3 Strategies 8,5/10 2017 votes

StrategyThe Spanish are considered to be the easiest civilization to play because they have a strong military, particularly the hand, and their.AdvantagesBecause the Spanish have the ability to earn shipments earlier, their strategies are quite flexible and often a balanced deck can overcome a purist deck. It is not uncommon for a Spanish player to receive 2-3 shipments, and a shipment shortly after aging up depending on the experience earned from or the treasures themselves.The Spanish 's special ability to train helps explore the territory early in the game and if the explorer is used as a damage sponge the player can collect some pretty heavily guarded treasures.The Spanish also have many unique home city improvements that help their soldiers, buildings and navy. One example is the powerful Cabelleros card, an upgrade for their Lancers which increases the multiplier to x4.0 versus infantry.With the addition of the card for in, the Spanish are a strong contender in and games. Units under the effect of unction will typically become the hardest hitting units of their type, yet still possess the same hit points making careful management of units a key to success. But the main weakness of this card is that, if all the missionaries are killed, the unit stats go back to normal again and opponents sometimes may use units with large splash damage to harm multiple units and the missionaries in order to kill them.DisadvantagesAlthough they're formidable, they have some weaknesses.

They are excellent at rushing but their defense is somewhat weaker since they can only send one from the Home City. All other European civilizations can send two Forts from the Home City.

The French can even send three Forts, while the Russians can build one more themselves if a card has been sent. Second, their mainline army is heavy infantry and heavy cavalry, which means they're vulnerable to civilizations that have strong light infantry and ranged cavalry. These civilizations include: The, who can upgrade their Dragoons to Royal Guard level and possess the Cassador, which is stronger than regular Skirmisher. The have the Rifle Rider which can counter heavy infantry and cavalry as well as artillery.

Age Of Empires 3 French Strategies


The and the both can upgrade their Skirmisher to Royal Guard level. Unction also doesn't make unit strong in overall statistics, which means using their counter unit will be just as effective, hit-points wise, as normal. Compared to Royal Guard units, Unction units hit harder, but have fewer hit points.

Age of empires 3 strategies civilizations

Age Of Empires 3 Strategy India

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