Deus Ex Human Revolution Silencer

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  2. Deus Ex Human Revolution Silencer Location
  3. Deus Ex Human Revolution Guide

Human Revolution is the third game in the Deus Ex series, a prequel where players take control of augmented security officer Adam Jensen, and investigate attacks against Sarif Industries, a leader in augmentation technology.

Short summary:both dlc/augmented edition items (the silenced camo sniper rifle and the etched double barrel shotgun) are in the first mission, shortly after the first few reach them:after getting the com-message from pritchard about how to make it into the building you stumble over the first enemy in the mission. Get 'around' him any way you want, then go straight along the path.-silenced sniper + 2 remote explosiveget up to the roof.

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Recommended Subreddits.Gaming Links. Low effort submissions will be removed No sale/deal posts No asking if a game is worth buying No giveaways or self-promotion. No spoilers.It's been a long time coming. I originally bought this on the Xbox 360 when it came out. Got to Hengsha then kind of stopped playing. Later got it on PC (the OG version, not the Director's Cut) and had issues with aiming causing an unplayable stutter. Finally decided to give it another go, seeing as I had good memories of what little I had played on the 360.

I realized I only had the original version on Steam, but luckily the Director's Cut was on sale for about 4$ that day. What I liked.This game has some pretty great level design in the first 2/3 of the game. The later levels feel much more linear (and the last level has some obligatory routes for certain areas).The stealth is really fun, although it's arguably the only real way to play it. I can't imagine playing the game as a shooter. Enemies don't have ridiculous lines of sight like some other modern stealth games, and the cover system allows for some cool mobility while sneaking around.Mobility was good.

I'm not going to hold it to today's standards (it'd be rightfully criticized for not having a ledge grab if it came out today). The abilities that let you jump higher and fall without taking damage made for a lot of good vertical movement. In this game, however, mobility doesn't just mean running and jumping.

Abilities that let you ignore lightning, breathe in gas, and punch through walls open up a lot of interesting paths around problems. There's also hacking, but I'll talk about that in the next section.This game has the best implementation of consumables I've experienced in a long time! Modern games tend to give you a handful of things, and you're kind of expected to hold on to them and only use them when necessary. Not Human Revolution! Low on batteries? Munch an energy bar, there's like a hundred per area! Got detected while hacking?

Use a 'Stop!' Worm or just nuke the system, you'll get them back real quick. Group of enemies? Chuck a gas grenade, they're not rare.

I felt like the game was hard until I realized I could just spam most items, and I immediately started having tons of fun!.I thought the story was interesting, if a bit predictable. As soon as I did the mission for Megan's mom (back on the 360) I knew what was happening.

The Missing Link DLC content is also really cool and creepy, although I don't get why people say it made the base game make more sense (it doesn't really add anything new to the plot, except for some minor foreshadowing that was already established).What I didn't like.The UI doesn't scale past a 720p resolution. It's bearable at 1080p, but my monitor is a 1440p and everything looked minuscule on it. The weird thing is that some minor UI elements do scale (like notifications), but not the rest. There is no fix for this, so I had to play the game at 1080p.Aiming gave me a weird stutter. It was as if the game had 3 frames for Jensen bringing is gun to his head. Found (first comment) if anyone's interested.Had some issues with aiming. Even with the laser target, it felt like some enemies sometimes took 2-3 headshots to kill and sometimes a single bullet did the trick.Cover aiming would sometimes stop me from aiming at a certain angle and caused me to die once or twice due to not being able to shoot a guy that walked up to me without leaving cover.Hacking got old real quick.

It was an interesting idea, but since it's all RNG it quickly gets tedious. The fact that so many areas are locked-off unless you perform very long stealth sections or precise movement unless you have hacking 4-5 is also really annoying. The fact that cameras and robots are in their own branch of the skill tree (instead of being unlocked with hacking levels) is really annoying as well. I also really didn't like how hacking got 4 skill trees.Speaking of the skill tree, I was disappointed in the augmentations. You get enough Praxis to get every useful thing, but there's just so much of the same and so many useless abilities, that I was dumping my points near 2/3 of the way through. You basically have to get hacking to 5 and grab camera/robot hacking ASAP.

From there, grab high jump, gas breathing, move heavy objects, the social enhancement, and you're essentially done. I never got the Typhoon upgrade (and didn't have any issues with bosses without it). The entire 'Stealth Enhancement' section is useless, upgrading the radar makes it useless because it shows you everyone in the building instead of near you (which is all you see at its first level).

I didn't bother with cloaking because I wasn't going for a non-lethal run. If I ever did get caught, I'd pop a bullet in two or three heads and be on my way. Not a fan of the social enhancement being required for some sidequest-specific things.Game crashes on PC if you don't kill the enemies on the bridge right before the final boss. Every time I'd try to enter the boss room I'd crash due to a memory leak. Luckily I had a save 2 minutes prior and just killed them all. Some people on the Steam forums weren't as lucky and had to reinstall and lose their saves.I understand why they did this, but it still annoyed me. I read most the emails and notes I found.

I knew what was happening for most of the game before it happened. A lot of it was obvious, but sadly Jensen (who is supposed to be smart) is kind of stupid and apparently doesn't see these giant red signs. You get some extra dialogue when you complete certain sidequests, so I wish they'd have done the same if you had read emails (but the I guess people who just cycled through emails without reading them could've gotten confused).TL;DR.Minor technical issues on PC which are easily fixed.Good, but predictable, story.

Sadly Jensen doesn't react to emails that literally spell-out what's going on.Some augmentations felt necessary, and outside of the handful of 'necessary' ones there aren't that many interesting augments.Game has the most fun implementation of consumables I've seen in a while (just spam everything lol).TipsIf you'd like to play Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut and would like some tips, here's what I recommend:.Save often and in different slots! That crash at the end I mentioned could've been the end of my save. I was lucky to have had a save that was 2 minutes old. Others have lost their saves to that crash!.Get hacking level 5 and camera + robot upgrades as soon as possible.

Even if it doesn't seem like you need it in the tutorial and starting zone, those areas are very easy to complete without other augs. It's worth to unlock them first, as they open up most of the game's world.I wouldn't recommend the tranquilizer rifle over the stun gun. It might be okay-ish in the tutorial, but the amount of space it takes and the fact that firing at alarmed enemies from cover reveals your position make it the inferior weapon in my opinion. And if you don't care about non-lethal, the pistol with a silencer upgrade and laser targeting system will allow you to actually fight at long range.Avoid any weapon that isn't the pistol, the stun gun, and maybe the P.E.P.S. The reality is that I didn't find any other weapon really useful.Avoid direct confrontation.

Your bones are made of glass and your skin is made of paper (unless you grab the armor aug). Firefights aren't going to be your strong suit, unless you have precise weapons (and since the pistol is the most accurate gun in the game, just pick-off your targets one-by-one instead of fighting head-on).The Typhoon is overrated. Everyone online says you should get it. I never took it, and never regretted it. Maybe it's different if you play on the max difficulty and have trouble with the bosses, but I found their AI to be kind of dumb.While every dialogue (except for sidequests) is 'winnable' without the Social Enhancer, it definitely helps to have it.Don't be afraid to use consumables. The game practically throws them at you, so spam them.While you're at it, don't be afraid to spend you cash (and don't go out of your way to make cash). The game also practically throws it at you.

I ended the game with over 60k credits. I probably could've bought a lot more gas grenades and EMPs to make things easier on myself.EditSince this post got some traction, I'd like to add the following that I forgot to mention in the original post:.Battery regeneration is better than more batteries. The Director's Cut version makes it so Jensen's first two batteries regenerate (vs only the first one in the original version).

From my understanding cloaking, stealth enhancements, and the Typhoon drain batteries like crazy, so you'd think getting more batteries would be helpful. Unless you have a steady supply of energy bars, however, you'll spend most of the game with 2 batteries if you use them often. This made them not worth it for me, since 2 batteries are more than enough and faster regeneration had me at full energy non-stop.Keep your upgraded weapons.

Don't attach a silencer to a pistol only to throw it away. My fully upgraded pistol was easily the best weapon I could have, because it was objectively better than any other weapon I could find.Hacking and exploring gives tons of XP. I'm not a big fan of this since it discourages other approaches in my opinion (I had almost all augs maxed-out due to the ridiculous amounts of XP I was getting from hacking).

Be sure to hack and explore whenever possible (even if you've cleared a room you still get XP for discovering alternate routes afterwards).ConclusionI had a great time with Human Revolution. I'm now going to make my way through Mankind Divided for the first time, and if I'm still in the mood for more I might give the original Deus Ex a try. There’s basically 2 ways to play it. Either no kill, or murder everyone.This is the #1 thing I hate about DXHR. For all the 'freedom' it's supposed to give the player, you're definitely shoehorned into a certain playstyle and mechanically punished if you don't commit to it. Roleplaying a stealthy Jensen who avoids engagements but kills when he needs to is an explicitly suboptimal strategy.To maximize rewards in this game, you're expected to engage with its most tedious and repetitive systems.

You have to KO everyone (and suck up the absurdly long cooldown) and hack everything (and suck up the tedious minigame). Really turns it into a slog unless you can condition yourself not to care so much about XP. In addition to what the others have said:.Director's Cut comes with all DLCs.Director's Cut removes Jensen's yellow glasses filter from the game (the game's color palette still heavily uses yellow, so it's barely noticeable).I believe you don't regenerate batteries in the default (or it's only the first battery). You regenerate the first 2 batteries in DC (which also means getting faster regeneration is better than getting more batteries since they won't regenerate). Batteries basically allow you to perform special actions like knocking-out guards and activating some augments. So the key thing in HR is enemy armor. The pistol gets an upgrade that lets it bypass armor, and so will reliably one shot kill any human enemy in the game who isn't a boss.

The laser gun bypasses armor naturally, and is great at killing robots and the final boss. The dart gun and stun gun both ignore armor and are always one shot kills. The dart gun, due to its armor bypass, is strictly superior to the actual sniper rifles in the game which don't bypass armor.

Explosions also bypass armor, so the revolver with the Xplosive upgrade and the grenade launcher are also good.My standard loadout in HR is a dart gun, pistol, revolver, and assault rifle. The AR is useful for when you get mobbed by low armor zombies later in the game.

I make sure to pick up the laser rifle prior to the final boss too so I can beat that easily. Hacking got old real quick. It was an interesting idea, but since it's all RNG it quickly gets tedious. The fact that so many areas are locked-off unless you perform very long stealth sections or precise movement unless you have hacking 4-5 is also really annoying.

The fact that cameras and robots are in their own branch of the skill tree (instead of being unlocked with hacking levels) is really annoying as well. I also really didn't like how hacking got 4 skill trees.Speaking of the skill tree, I was disappointed in the augmentations. You get enough Praxis to get every useful thing, but there's just so much of the same and so many useless abilities, that I was dumping my points near 2/3 of the way through.

You basically have to get hacking to 5 and grab camera/robot hacking ASAP. From there, grab high jump, gas breathing, move heavy objects, the social enhancement, and you're essentially done. I never got the Typhoon upgrade (and didn't have any issues with bosses without it). The entire 'Stealth Enhancement' section is useless, upgrading the radar makes it useless because it shows you everyone in the building instead of near you (which is all you see at its first level).

I didn't bother with cloaking because I wasn't going for a non-lethal run. If I ever did get caught, I'd pop a bullet in two or three heads and be on my way. Not a fan of the social enhancement being required for some sidequest-specific things.​The original Deus Ex doesn't have these problems.​The hacking mini-game in HR and MD is great but the problem is there is way too much of it. And there are rewards associated with hacking (you get XP, credits and other stuff). So basically if a player opens a door from the inside he/she is potentially losing out on rewards given by the keypad on the other side.

Deus Ex Human Revolution Mod

The original Deus Ex just had a timer for hacking, no actual mini-game, and there were no rewards. Of course if you hacked an ATM you do get credits. And entering the passcode was actually better because there were no rewards for hacking.​The Aug tree is also very poorly balanced in HR and MD. In the original DX you had to choose between one of two augs.

Deus Ex Human Revolution Silencer Location

So when you select one you can never have the other one. And for stuff like hacking and weapons there were separate skills that you upgrade with XP.

Deus Ex Human Revolution Guide


Yeah, the hacking in The Missing Link DLC got obnoxious near the end. It ended-up being a lot of 'hack level 4-5' doors or make your way through this long stealth section to find a vent kind of deal.Not getting XP for hacking and exploring, but getting more XP for just completing quests would've been better IMO. It definitely discourages using codes you've learned (maybe give XP for that?) and getting 100 to 300 XP for exploring, while getting 20 for knocking a guard out was objectively better, since rooms rarely have more than 3 guys compared to the amount of 'explorer', 'traveler' and 'pathfinder' exploration areas.Having actual decisions in the augs tree would've been interesting, but I kind of get it. Jensen's body has an unusual acceptance of augmentations, and it's kind a side-plot thing, so it made sense.