Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map

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Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map 8,4/10 9364 votes

Covenants tried hard to not welcome cyborg (Masterchief) into halo and tried stopping him (eliminate) before chief escapes Pillar of Autumn. But, they failed. However, they want revenge and wants to prevent this from happening again. This time, the commanders of elites have gathered enough units to take down Cyborg & win once and for all. Nov 19, 2011  (in decimals, 1.0 is real-life size, and if you divide every measurements by 2.0, you get a half-size replica. My build is at the maximum height size, so everything is bigger than HIS POA, but smaller than real-life. I'm doing it with a 1.364 dividing ratio.) I'm going to be the first and only Minecraft to do such a huge Pillar of Autumn!!! This mod is based on 'Pillar of Autumn (Insane Challenge)' which can be downloaded on here or Google Search it (optional but recommended to experience my work). HOW TO INSTALL & PLAY: Easiest way to: Place the map 'a10.map' into your Halo Custom Edition maps directory; Load up Haloce.exe.

  1. Halo Pillar Of Autumn Level
  2. Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map
  3. Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map Images

Halopedia has a walkthrough guide to this level, The Pillar of Autumn (Halo: Combat Evolved level). See.“Escape intact as Covenant forces board your ship.”The Pillar of Autumn is the first level in the mode of and the. The, having escaped, has arrived near a. Unfortunately, the, who are here as well, attack the ship. Is awakened from his cryo-sleep and makes his way to the bridge of the titular ship to be debriefed by about their current situation.

After the brief meeting, the Master Chief, with his companion, makes his way off the ship via a escape pod.In, completing this level on any difficulty awards the player the ' and 25. On, completing the level without using a rewards the player the ' achievement for 25 gamerscore points. If the player completes the level on legendary difficulty without using an overshield, the player will earn the ' achievement for 10 gamerscore points.In, completing the level on any difficulty unlocks the ' achievement worth 10 gamerpoints.

' and ' are unlockable with the same criteria and are each worth 10 gamerpoints. Beating the level's par time and par score will unlock the ' and ' achievements, respectively, each worth 10 gamerpoints. Activating the found on the level will unlock the ' achievement worth 5 gamerpoints, while finding the will unlock the ' achievement, also worth 5 gamerpoints. Contents.Description This level is set on board the Pillar of Autumn.

The main objective of the mission is escaping the ship.This level is modified depending on the difficulty chosen in the following ways:. makes different speeches at the beginning of the level. On and, the player goes through a testing diagnostic which acts as a tutorial for basic controls and the mechanics of health and shields. On Heroic and Legendary difficulty, this is automatically skipped and the player immediately heads out to find Captain Keyes. On Easy and Normal difficulty, the and grenades are disabled until certain moments in the level. On Heroic and Legendary, they can be used right from the start.

On Easy and Normal, when you walk through a hallway, a will appear to attack you. However, before he can do anything, a squad of marines will gun him down.Transcript The Pillar of Autumn.

The.Fades into space. Is visible above. The Pillar of Autumn appears, moving slowly toward the ring.

Escorts soar alongside. In Anniversary, the camera fades into the Autumn and pans to show Installation 04 and Threshold as the ship moves.The camera slowly turns and zooms in on the Pillar of Autumn.: 'Cortana, all I need to know is did we lose?' .: 'I think we both know the answer to that.' Inside the ship's bridge, the camera focuses on Keyes. Keyes: (sighs) 'We made a blind jump. How did they—'. Cortana: 'Get here first?

The Covenant ships have always been faster. As for tracking us all the way from.at, my maneuvering options were limited.' Keyes begins pacing around, looking at viewscreens. Keyes: 'We were running dark, yes?' . Cortana: 'Until we decelerated. No one could have missed the hole we tore in subspace.'

Keyes looks at a bridge crewman's console. Cortana: 'They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet.' The crewman presses some buttons.

The screen shows a diagram of Threshold with Installation 04 in orbit. Keyes: 'So, where do we stand?' . Cortana: 'Our fighters are mopping up the last of their recon picket now, nothing serious.' Keyes examines the main screen, pulls his pipe out of his mouth and shakes some ash off it. He closes his eyes wearily.

Cortana: 'But I've isolated approach signatures from multiple battle groups, make it three capital ships per group. And in about 90 seconds they'll be all over us.' . Keyes: 'Well, that's it then. Bring the ship back up to Combat Alert Alpha. I want everyone at their stations.' .

Cortana: 'Everyone, sir?' . Keyes: ' Everyone.' Alarm klaxon sounds.


Crewmen run towards their stations. Keyes: 'And Cortana.' Cortana's avatar appears on a.

Cortana: 'Hmm?' . Keyes: '.let's give our old friends a warm welcome.'

. Cortana: 'I've already begun.'

Cuts to the one of the launch bays of the Pillar of Autumn. A Marine waves light batons to guide a into the correct docking position.

The view moves towards the lower deck. Cortana (PA): 'Attention, all combat personnel: Please report to your action stations.' . Cortana (PA): '5th Platoon, secure airlocks on Deck 11. 14th Platoon, rendezvous with 22nd Tactical at bulkhead Charlie 14.' Start talking, readying their weapons, preparing and, or just loitering, until the view shows Staff Sergeant Avery Junior Johnson walking through a line of Marines.: 'You heard the lady! Move like you've got a purpose!'

. Cortana (PA): 'This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.' Marines get in two lines, facing each other. Johnson walks down the column between the formation. Johnson: 'Men.keep your eyes down range, fingers on your triggers, and we all go home in one piece.'

(turns around) ' Am I right, Marines?' .

Johnson: 'Once again, it is our job to finish what the flyboys started. We are leaving this ship, platoon, and engaging the on solid ground. When we meet the enemy, we will rip their skulls from their spines, and toss 'em away, laughin'!'

The sound of the Black Companies’ artillery pounding at the castle walls had been their marching beat for nigh upon two hours, and now they could even smell the sulphurous smoke emitted by those same hellish machines. Dogs of war game 2000. There was no man amongst them who was not filled with rage at the thought of what was being done to their home, a feeling so strong it was hardly tempered by the fact that they knew the Black Company could muster a force much, much larger than anything Graf Edric could put upon the field.The Graf knew the full truth of it. His scouts had returned with their assessment of the enemy’s strength, and it was easily twice his own. Even if the Don left several regiments behind to watch the castle and thus guard against any sallies, his men would still significantly outnumber the Graf’s forces.

(turns around) ' Am I right, Marines?' Johnson giving his speech. Johnson: 'Men, here is where we show those that they could not have picked a worse enemy than the race! We are going to blow the hell out of those dumb bugs, until we don't have anything left to shoot 'em with!

And then we are going to strangle them with their own-living-guts!' (turns around) ' Am I right, Marines?'

. Johnson: : 'Men, we led those dumb bugs out to the middle of nowhere to keep 'em from gettin' their filthy claws on. But we stumbled onto somethin' they're so hot for, that they're scramblin' over each other to get it. Well, I don't care if it's God's own anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have.is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in!'

(turns around) ' Am I right, Marines?' . Marines: 'Sir, yes sir!' . Johnson: 'Uh-huh.

Halo Pillar Of Autumn Level

Damn right, I am. Now move it out! Double time!'

The Marines break formation and run out of the area, as Johnson follows them slowly. Cortana (PA): 'Attention, all personnel: We are re-engaging the enemy. Internal and external contact imminent.' .

Johnson: 'All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close.this is gonna be your lucky day.' The targeting test. Shephard: 'I know the ordnance techs usually take care of your targeting sensors, but we're short of time, Chief.

Just look at each of the flashing panels to target them. When you lock on, it'll change color.' Chief looks at the flashing lights. Shephard: 'Okay, that looks good.' .

Marcus (PA): 'Sir, I'm getting some calibration errors. I'm going to invert your looking pitch, so you can see if you like it better that way.' The pitch is inverted. Marcus (PA): 'Try targeting the flashing lights again.' The Chief looks at the panel. Marcus (PA): 'Is that better or should I switch it back?' The Chief decides the way he wants.

Marcus (PA): 'OK, I'll leave the pitch normal/inverted. But if you want, you can change it yourself later. (pause) I'm ready for the energy shield test now.' . Shephard: 'Please follow me to the.'

. Cortana (PA): 'Fire teams: Report to defensive positions Alpha through Sierra. Sensors show inbound Covenant boarding craft.

Stand by to repel boarders.' Cortana then proceeds to give PA announcements coordinating the crew's defense against the Covenant boarders that loop till John-117 meets Keyes on the bridge. Cortana (PA): 'Warning! Covenant incursions on port decks Three and Nine. Alpha Team, engage enemy boarders.' Later:. Cortana (PA): 'Enemy boarding parties on starboard decks Eight through Ten.

Echo Team, intercept Covenant forces.' Later:. Cortana (PA): 'Covenant boarding craft detected on port decks Four, Five, Seven, Eight, and Eleven. All available, respond!' Later:.

Cortana (PA): 'Baker Team reports Covenant forces engaged on port deck Seven. Security teams, move to assist.' Later:.

Cortana (PA): 'Warning! Covenant boarders on starboard decks Four and Six.

Sierra Team reports heavy resistance! Security teams, assist.' Later:. Cortana (PA): 'Alert! Alpha and Charlie Teams report heavy fighting on port decks Five through Nine.

Foxtrot Team, move to starboard decks Eight and Ten, and stand by.' Later:. Cortana (PA): 'Reserve Combat Teams Tango through X-Ray to port decks Five and Six, on the double!' Later:.

Cortana (PA): 'Reserve Combat Teams Oscar and Romeo to port decks Nine through Eleven.' If Chief does not look at Shepard. Shephard: 'Sir I need you to look at me to begin.' If Chief does not stand on the square. Shepard:'Stand on the yellow square. This'll just take a second.' The Chief steps into the square.

Shephard: 'Okay, bring his energy shields online please.' The Chief's shield meter appears, and charges to full. Marcus (PA): 'Alright. Shields read as fully charged.'

. Shephard: 'Okay, sir. Bring them down to test the automatic recharge.' The Chief's shields get depleted, and recharge themselves again.

Marcus (PA): 'Recharging normal. Showing green across the board.' Sam Marcus is shot and killed by a Sangheili. Captain Keyes (PA): 'Bridge to Cryo Two, this is Captain Keyes. Send the Master Chief to the bridge immediately.' .

Shephard: 'Captain, we'll have to skip the weapons diagnostics and I-'. Captain Keyes (PA): 'On the double, crewman.'

. Shephard: 'Aye aye, sir. (to the Chief) The skipper seems jumpy, we'd better get moving. We'll find you weapons later.' . Marcus (PA): 'Okay. I'll leave the self-diagnostics running, at least.'


. Shephard: 'Good idea. You'd better get to your evac group, Sam!' .

Marcus (PA): 'Affirmative. Just have to reset the computer and I'm outta here!' Banging is heard on one of the observation chamber doors. An alarm activates and flashes red. Marcus (PA): 'Oh God! They're trying to get through the door!' The door breaks open and a enters, firing on Marcus.

Marcus (PA): 'Security! Intruders in Cryo Two! No, please don't— (a plasma bolt hits him, and he falls) Agh!' The Sangheili turns around and tries to shoot at the Master Chief from above, but can't get through the glass. The Sangheili runs off. Shephard: (panicked) 'Sam!

(to the Chief) C'mon, we've got to get the hell out of here!' Shephard unlocks the exit door.

Shephard: 'This way!' If the level is played on Heroic or Legendary, gameplay begins here.Shephard leads Master Chief out of Cryo Two and down a corridor. Shephard tries to open the second door, which explodes, killing him. The Master Chief leaves the area and sees crewmen battling the Covenant while another crewman is killed by an explosion. Crewmen attempt to fight off alien boarders.: 'Behind us! They're right behind us!' A few crewmen run into the room while the blast doors are closing.

#2 or Marine: 'Secure those! A crewman runs away from the blast door, with a second directly behind him. Crewman #3: 'Wait for me!' The crewman is killed by an explosion just as he reaches the blast doors, which shut slowly.If the player lingers around the area:. Crewman: 'Master Chief, sir, the situation's secure here. You're probably needed somewhere else!'

The Chief finds his way to a corridor intersection where (on Easy and Normal) he comes face to face with a. It growls at him but is suddenly attacked by Marines, and the Sangheili flees behind a closing door. Marine #1: 'Chief, Cortana says get to the bridge, double quick!' The Chief makes his way to a room where is helping some crewmen battle the Covenant boarders. PFC Chips Dubbo: 'Sir! The Captain needs you on the bridge, ASAP! You better follow me.'

The Chief and Captain Keyes, discussing the situation.: 'Captain Keyes.' Keyes turns away from the main view screen and shakes the Master Chief's hand. Keyes: 'Good to see you, Master Chief. Things aren't going well. Cortana did her best, but we never really had a chance.' Cortana's avatar appears on the holotank. Cortana: 'A dozen Covenant superior battleships against a single.

With those odds, I'm content with three - make that four kills.' (to the Chief) 'Sleep well?' . John-117: 'No thanks to your driving, yes.'

Cortana smiles. Cortana: 'So you did miss me.' A loud explosion rocks the bridge. The Chief lurches and Keyes grabs a pedestal for support. Keyes: 'Report!' .

Cortana: 'It must have been one of their boarding parties! I'd guess an!' . Fire Control Officer: 'Ma'am!

Fire control to the is offline!' . Cortana: 'Captain, the cannon was my last offensive option.' . Keyes: 'Alright then. I'm initiating. We're abandoning the Autumn.

That means you too, Cortana.' . Cortana: 'While you do what, go down with the ship?' . Keyes: 'In a manner of speaking.

The we found, I'm going to try and land the Autumn on it.' . Cortana: 'With all due respect, sir, this war has enough dead heroes.' . Keyes: 'I appreciate your concern, Cortana, but it's not up to me.

Protocol is clear. Destruction or capture of a shipboard AI is absolutely unacceptable, that means you're leaving the ship. Lock in a selection of emergency landing zones, upload them to my neural lace, and then sort yourself for a hard transfer.' . Cortana: 'Aye aye, sir.' Cortana's avatar disappears. Keyes: '.which is where you come in, Chief.

Get Cortana off this ship. Keep her safe from the enemy. If they capture her, they'll learn everything. Force deployment, weapons research.' .

John-117: 'I understand.' Cortana's avatar reappears. Cortana: 'The Autumn will continue evasive maneuvers until you initiate a landing sequence. Not that you'll listen, but I'd suggest letting my subroutines handle the final approach.' .

Keyes: 'Excellent work, Cortana. Are you ready?' Cortana looks around the bridge for one last time, then sighs. The Chief engages a.The Chief finds a trio of Marines fighting Covenant while taking cover behind. Marine #4: 'We're taking fire. We could use a hand!' The Chief enters a room where the Covenant are on a ledge above him.

Marines engage the boarders by taking cover behind the central staircase. Cortana: 'Covenant! On the landing above us!'

After the battle on the ledges, the Chief climbs the staircase to the second floor.The Chief sees a launching with pulse lasers bursting all around the airlocks. Cortana: 'The lifepods are launching!

We should hurry.' Plasma torpedoes continue to hit the hull. Three lifepods launch from the airlocks in sequence. The third one is hit by enemy fire and explodes. Cortana: 'The Covenant are destroying the lifepods.they really don't want us on that ring.' The Chief passes a set blast doors, the blast door closes, leaving any of the surviving accompanying Marines behind the door.

Cortana: 'Warning! Blast doors closing! (pause) We'll have to use the ship's maintenance access ways. Follow the NAV point, it will lead you to an opening.'

Note: The following only occurs in Easy and Normal difficulties.The Chief enters the access tunnel, and after eliminating two Unggoy who were exploring the tunnel, he finds an opening. Cortana: 'I'm detecting Covenant movement outside the access ways.

Activating motion tracker. Let's find a safe exit.' The Chief approaches the first door. Red dots surround his position on the motion tracker. Cortana: 'They're right on top of us! We need to find another way through.'

The Chief finds another locked door. Red dots still appear on the motion tracker.

Cortana: 'We're too close! We need to find another route.' The Chief finds an unlocked door leading into a darkened room.

Cortana: 'Motion tracker shows all clear.' On Easy and Normal, the Chief encounters a broken door. Cortana: 'Wait. We need to get through that door, but it's been damaged by an explosion. The door's control mechanism is offline, but it's taken a lot of damage.

You should be able to bash it open with the butt of your weapon.' The Chief melees the door and it opens.As the Chief crosses through the control room for his cryo bay, he sees a trio of Sangheili looking around in the bay. Cortana: 'It looks like the Covenant wanted to catch you napping.' The Sangheili intruders spot the Master Chief, open fire on him (with no effect due to the glass protection), and soon leave the cryo bay.The Chief leaves the control room and makes his way to another access tunnel.Later, while the Chief passes through a damaged part of the ship:. Cortana: 'The damage to the superstructure is extensive.

I don't know how much more abuse the Autumn can take.' The Chief fights his way to the final airlock.

With the help of the surviving Marines, the Spartan defeats the immediate Covenant forces around the last airlock. Cortana: 'There's one last lifeboat! Quickly, get aboard before it launches!' The Chief heads for the last airlock.

Lifeboat speeds away as the Autumn burns.A Marine heads for the airlock, but is thrown to the ground by an explosion. Marine #5: 'Oh no, oh no!' The Marine looks behind him and sees the Master Chief, who picks him up and throws him into the life pod. Cortana: 'Now would be a very good time to leave!' The Chief sweeps his rifle into the hallway one last time to check for enemies, and then enters the lifeboat. He grabs onto a handhold on the ceiling, while the Marine he picked up crawls into a seat.

John-117: 'Punch it.' . Bumblebee Pilot: 'Aye aye, sir!' The pilot seals her eye visor. The lifeboat launches out of the airlock.

Bumblebee Pilot: 'We're disengaged. Goin' for minimum safe distance.' . Marine #6: 'We're gonna make it, aren't we, sir?

I don't wanna die out here!' John-117's lifeboat approaches.The Chief pats him on the shoulder. Cortana: 'Look!'

The Chief steps up front. Halo swings into view and the Bumblebee drops towards it. Marine #6: 'What is that thing,?'

. Bumblebee Pilot: 'Hell if I know, but we're landin' on it!' . Marine #5: 'The Autumn! She's been hit!'

The Chief dashes to the back of the lifeboat, and watches the Autumn. Cortana: 'I knew it! The Autumn's accelerating. Keyes is going in manually!' The Autumn accelerates and flies over the life pod (past the pod's starboard side in Anniversary ).

Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map


Halo Pillar Of Autumn Map Images

It is struck by multiple. Trivia Glitches Main article:. There is a glitch which allows the player to get back into the cryo chamber. The player must jump inside the tube and crouch before the cover closes.

Once inside, the player will be able to see, but once the cover closes, the player will be trapped inside and must load the last checkpoint or restart the level. It's possible to stand outside of the energy shield test station while the test is running. Just move carefully into the square and when it starts, the machine will push the player out, freezing the player in place until the process is done.

There is a glitch in the level that allows the player to instead of only two. Get off the bridge very fast after Keyes gives the player the pistol. There is also another glitch that allows the player to exit the Pillar of Autumn. If the player goes to the spot where 3 Unggoy stand near the 3 launched lifepod stations, the player can crouch on the window looking out into space and, still crouching, slowly move out of the ship.Mistakes. Sam Marcus and Thom Shephard are wearing orange fatigues in the beginning cutscene, but during the diagnostic, they are wearing yellow fatigues. Similarly, the officer that shouts to Cortana 'Ma'am! Fire Control for the main cannon is offline!'