554 5.4.4 Smtpsend.dns.mxloopback; Dns Records For This Domain Are Configured In A Loop'

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554 5.4.4 Smtpsend.dns.mxloopback; Dns Records For This Domain Are Configured In A Loop' 7,1/10 9338 votes

I'm in the process of merging an office with SBS2003 with one with SBS2008. Yeah, that's how it was set up already.

DNS records for this domain are configured in a loop. I have a situation where I'm trying to get a test Exchange box to run along side of my other e-mail (which is in another directory) and I can now send e-mail to external hosts fine, but when I try to send from something like Hotmail to the new e.

#554 5.4.4 Smtpsend.dns.mxloopback Dns Records For This Domain Are Configured In A Loop ##rfc822

NDR 554 5.4.4 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback; DNS records for this domain are configured in a loop July 14, 2015. Case 1: In many cases, “#554 5.4.4 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback; DNS records for this domain are configured in a loop ##” might have been the outcome of the exchange CAS being configured to use an external DNS server (a DNS server that resolves external hosts).

I think I've cracked it though. These were/are the Accepted Domains settings.Company1.com, Authoritive, Default:FalseCompany2.com, External Relay, Default:FalseCompany1.local, Authoritive, Default:TrueE-mail Address Policies was set like this.Company1.com, Priority:1, Applied:TrueCompany2.com, Priority:2, Applied:TrueDefault Policy, Priority:Lowest, Applied:TrueThose didn't work. Changing them to this.Company2.com, Priority:1, Applied:TrueCompany1.com, Priority:2, Applied:TrueDefault Policy, Priority:Lowest, Applied:Truedidn't work either, butCompany1.com, Priority:1, Applied:TrueDefault Policy, Priority:Lowest, Applied:TrueSeems to have fixed things.I'm still wondering why swapping the priority order didn't work but hey.Thanks for your help.