Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves

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Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves 8,7/10 1369 votes
Warhammer total war 2 high elves regiments of renown

High Elves early on are pretty basic hammer and anvil. Spearmen backed by archers and artillery. Couple of cavalry on the wings. Tyrion's phoenix is good at bombing things with its ability, although it may not appear so at first glance. Initially, you can pretty much melt anything before it comes into melee range with your artillery and archers.


How can the answer be improved?

Archers' AP sucks though so not so much later, although buffs from sea treasure nodes can help with that.You'll get Sea Guard quite quickly. Really useful jack of all trades unit. Don't bother recruiting til it's got a shield though. There's also an axe unit which can do a useful role temporarily. You may want to stick with Tyrion's upkeep bonuses for a bit with his army all the same.

Runs like that, with the addition of an extra infantry unit and fast cavalry/skirmish cavalry, til you get to the top tier stuff. There's quite a long plateau in between so you may want to invest in leadership skills and techs to buff your basic troops to smooth things til then.Late game it's swordsmen (godly against infantry) and phoenix guards (so solid) with dragons as the core.

Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves

Gives you a bit more variation as you can reliably carve your way through anything in front of you. Pretty much what Zebedee said. By around turn 70 I had Tyrion with just archers and spearmen and a few dragons but with his buffs the archers and spearmen are only costing me around 50gp each to maintain.A lot of the Elvish units are expensive to maintain at first but their tech tree and certain buildings have a lot of buffs to reduce the maintaining of certain units and some Lords like Tyrion get buffs to their unit maintenance. Lothern Seaguard + Eagle Bolt throwers. Early game these two are all you really need! Fairly cheap, low upkeep and extremely versatile! The Seaguard can fight in melee or shoot at ranged.

Total War Warhammer 2 Tips

The Bolt throwers can switch from single shot anti-large/anti-armor or a mult-shot anti-infantry ammunition.For defense armies: add in some White Lions and a few Silver Helms / Reavers.A little more expensive, White Lions are anti-armor and fight better in forests (Which there are ALOT of in Ulthuan), Silver Helms are your standard heavy cav while Reavers are Light cavalry, I personally prefer the skirmisher reavers though to harass enemy lines and charge down enemy archers.For your more aggressive armies: Add in Hoeth Swords instead of White Lions and some Great Eagles. Hoeth Swords are anti-infantry and anti-armor, they're also better fighters in general. Great eagles are fast and deal decent damage, perfect for taking out enemy artillery and vulnerable archers.For your elite armies: Add in Phoenix Guard, Phoenix's, Dragon Princes and Dragons. Phoenix Guard are elite halberd units, able to out-grind almost everything plus have charge defense vs all AND anti-large. Phoenix's come in two flavers, the fire one is faster and able to drop bombs, while the frost one is tougher and slows down enemies in its vicinity.Dragon Princes are elite cavalry, they have a vicious charge and are able to brawl in melee if needed as well.Dragons come in three variants, the Sun dragon is a younger dragon, mostly anti-infantry. Moon dragons are adults that focus more on anti-armor. The last one is the Star dragon who is an ancient and pretty much demolish everything.Public Order is an issue for the HE, try to have an order building up in every capital if possible.Campaign strategy-wise, I personally head west through Caledor and up to Nagarythe and beyond.

I do try to keep Ellyrion as an ally if possible.Try to get 1 or 2 Nobles as soon as you can and make them secure influence. Very fun making enemies fight each other through intrigues or making allies be friendlier with each other cementing friendly relations. Influence is also needed in hiring good lords and heroes, so get those nobles as soon as you can. Originally posted by dagoth2000:So i want to start a Tyrion playthrough and wanted some advise about units and maybe a general feel of them.I just finished my lizzardmen campaign and it was very fun.It's either them or the Skaven but i'm waiting for a skaven buff 'not major but something'.What do you guys think.i hate to get into a campaign and abandon it later after 50 or 60 turns.They're really easy.

Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves

They make good money, all of thier units are helpful, Tyrion is in a very defendable spot. They're truly a classical army where they have good heavy infantry, good cav, good archers, and some really awesome beasts(dragons!).