Black Templars Crusader Squad

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Black Templars Crusader Squad 9,7/10 5985 votes

A Crusader Squad is the standard tactical organisation employed by the Black Templars Chapter of Space Marines. The Black Templars are organised in a different manner to many Codex Astartes-compliant Chapters and do not follow the dictates of the Codex Astartes in many ways, notably in the recruitment, training and deployment of their warriors.

So with 8th rolling out and getting to play some games with the army I do have to say that I'm finding the Templars to be incredibly fun. However in my games I keep coming back to the Crusader squad and wondering: what is their use on the battlefield, ranged or melee and how do we equip them for their chosen roles.In the past the Crusader worked well as a msu las/plas squad in a rhino. Is this still the go to ranged loadout or has it changed?Generally speaking they weren't all that great in close combat compared to some of the other similar units around ( looking at you flayed ones!). The generally chosen loadout was a sword brother with a power sword, meltagun/ flames and a power axe on an intiate at generally 10-15 in a land raider or footslogging. Has it become viable?

While assault is better in several respects, it took some hits in regards to our old status. The loss of our Rage/Counter-attack buff hurts potential, and the loss of attacks for Power Weapons hurt the Crusader Squad's heavy hitters a bit. The former is quasi-temporary mind you, because while we simply don't have special rules aside from the Crusader Squad itself right now (Characters excluded) special rules are inevitable, but similar buffs are not guaranteed.So the new standard smackdown load out for a melee squad is a Hammer for the SB and a hidden Fist, if you can find the points. I find the trouble with this to inevitably be the points. A Vanguard squad of 10 can come very close to the price of a loaded out Crusader Squad and do the smacking-of-downs better, with the one small nuisance of eating up those priceless elite slots.

  1. If a model has more than one melee weapon, choose which it will use before rolling the dice. If a model has more than one melee weapon and can make several close combat attacks, it can split its attacks between these weapons however you wish – declare how you will divide the attacks before any dice are rolled.
  2. Not even the toughest Black Templars are immune to the holy cleansing of the Holy Orbs. Up north, my Crusader squad that was fighting the bikers moved up and around to support the Emperor's Champion in his assault. Both squads fired into the Salamanders, but were only able to kill one. Still, every casualty counts.

They may be limited to 10 instead of 20 models per unit, but ablative wounds are pointless without special rules, and morale will wreck huge Crusader Squads if I understand correctly.which makes ablative wounds actually cause more damage to the squad, ironically enough.So then the one real treat of having a melee Crusader Squad right now is that they're troops. It doesn't unlock a DT LRC, and doesn't get special melee buffs outside of taking chainswords. Not that I'm gonna bust out the Bolter bitz and make whole new squads, mind you. It's just important to notice shortcomings before you depend on a squad to do something it isn't qualified to.All that being said, Crusader Squads are relatively dangerous shooty Troops. Plasma, Grav Cannon, 5 bodies, done. A combi on the SB if you're feeling you need one more unit to spit blue balls of radioactive death at slightly poorer accuracy, and a Razorback if you feel like making those 5 bodies last a little longer and want just a bit more shooty (and an actual Dedicated Transport ).But as some have been all too giddy to point out, you can't mow down the necessary number of bodies to survive with just Marine shooting. You need stabby.

If you want to put that into Troops then Crusader Squads require character buffs, whether that be Grim, his brain dead museum exhibits, or our wonderfully OP High Marshal.Edited by Firepower, 14 June 2017 - 08:05 AM. One of the items I noticed is that Astartes Shotguns are now +1 Strength at half range - the ability to pump out shots that wound T4 on a 3+ is a useful ability for our Neophytes.All that being said, Crusader Squads are relatively dangerous shooty Troops. Plasma, Grav Cannon, 5 bodies, done. A combi on the SB if you're feeling you need one more unit to spit blue balls of radioactive death at slightly poorer accuracy, and a Razorback if you feel like making those 5 bodies last a little longer and want just a bit more shooty (and an actual Dedicated Transport ).Slightly poorer accuracy? You have the option of not firing the inbuilt boltgun, Brother.I know that I'll be building at least a couple 5- or 6-man combi/special/heavy squads in Razorbacks to go alongside my 15+1 squads in LRCs. One of the items I noticed is that Astartes Shotguns are now +1 Strength at half range - the ability to pump out shots that wound T4 on a 3+ is a useful ability for our Neophytes.All that being said, Crusader Squads are relatively dangerous shooty Troops. Plasma, Grav Cannon, 5 bodies, done.

A combi on the SB if you're feeling you need one more unit to spit blue balls of radioactive death at slightly poorer accuracy, and a Razorback if you feel like making those 5 bodies last a little longer and want just a bit more shooty (and an actual Dedicated Transport ).Slightly poorer accuracy? You have the option of not firing the inbuilt boltgun, Brother.No, I don't. I'll leave the self restraint to the Ultramarines, thank you. 'There can be no meeting of minds and no understanding with such beings as exist in the dark places of the galaxy.There is simply a choice: defeat them, or be defeated by them. And Defeat them we will'- Chaplain Emmerich'Let our feet, steel clad, pressed into the soils of this alien land, remark on our passing.

What need have we of plaudit and praise? No matter the laurel of victory, no matter the glories others may seek.We are the Black Templars.

Victory is it's own reward.' - High Marshal Helbrecht. 'There can be no meeting of minds and no understanding with such beings as exist in the dark places of the galaxy.There is simply a choice: defeat them, or be defeated by them. And Defeat them we will'- Chaplain Emmerich'Let our feet, steel clad, pressed into the soils of this alien land, remark on our passing. What need have we of plaudit and praise?

No matter the laurel of victory, no matter the glories others may seek.We are the Black Templars. Victory is it's own reward.' - High Marshal Helbrecht. So vehicles can now transport any number of units up to the maximum number of occupants correct? So why not run 2-3 crusader squads inside a LRC for a total of 6 power weapons + special weapons and combis/pistols + say Helbrecht for re rolls and added melee strength. It's kind of pricey but I think it could be good.They better pile on top of each other if they want the buff, the strength aura its for models within 6', I don't see any of our buffs being very useful for more than one unit, except the Cenobytes which have 12'.

Well the reroll buff from Helbrecht (applies to units, no models) could be useful for 2 units if you put them in the Raider together, and the Champion if you bring him along as well for extra monster murdering.But no, you aren't gonna buff the whole army with anything we have. But what buffs we have can be murderous if applied to the right squad and targets.The question is whether Crusader squads are the right squads to buff. It's raising a mediocre squad up to a good one, or you can apply those buffs to a good squad and make them vicious. I lean towards the latter. Without anything to make the Crusaders special beyond chainswords right now, they're more of a Troop tax than they used to be. On the other hand, taking a mediocre squad and buffing them, if you can also find points for squads that are good out of the gate (I continue to lean towards Vanguard) makes the whole infantry section of your army good, but nothing great.Edited by Firepower, 15 June 2017 - 12:50 AM.

Since we dont have that many close combat buffs right now I think crusader squads and helbrecht are better off being run as shooty squads and in support of other squad that can also shoot. Basically 10 guys with bolters, special and two power weapons OR several small squads with heavy weapons.Helbrecht in particular could be brutal deep striking with several devastator squads and a Lieutenant, maybe supported by deep striking terminators, all drop in and fire with rerolls to hit and rerolling 1s to wound then the termies could charge something.Edited by redmapa, 15 June 2017 - 01:08 AM. Well the reroll buff from Helbrecht (applies to units, no models) could be useful for 2 units if you put them in the Raider together, and the Champion if you bring him along as well for extra monster murdering.But no, you aren't gonna buff the whole army with anything we have. But what buffs we have can be murderous if applied to the right squad and targets.The question is whether Crusader squads are the right squads to buff. It's raising a mediocre squad up to a good one, or you can apply those buffs to a good squad and make them vicious.


I lean towards the latter. Without anything to make the Crusaders special beyond chainswords right now, they're more of a Troop tax than they used to be. On the other hand, taking a mediocre squad and buffing them, if you can also find points for squads that are good out of the gate (I continue to lean towards Vanguard) makes the whole infantry section of your army good, but nothing great.I agree, but I've always relied on Infantry and will try and make it work. At the moment I'm leaning towards a shoot into charge approach.3x 10 man squads with 2 cheap power weapons depending on buff, Plasma Pistol and either a Plasmagun or Gravgun with about 3 Bolters or Shotguns the rest being chainswords out of Rhinos and LRC with beast punching Vets and HQ.The intention being to get out first turn or survive the shooting in my boxes then shoot hard, throw a grenade and then charge, if i lose models I discard the Bolters keeping more CC for the charge. Add Deathwind Launchers to everything.Or drop the Rhinos and LRC, have Grimaldus with Retinue and Apothecary in a sandwich of 2 large squads on foot loaded as before plus a Gravcannon or Plasmacannon, pass morale tests and have a chance to revive.Vets with EC will go in an AC Razorback. Yeah, I keep juggling Crusaders around in my experimental lists from core units to vestigial hangers-on. I am at an odd stage where I know what I need to paint, but not how to build lists around the unitsFinish the Ironclads, build some Hammer and Claw Sword Brethren to stick in Crusader Squads or Vanguard, Storm Talons and a Storm Raven.and then blaaaaah on another piece of paper with a crap list scrawled out in crappy handwriting.From what I've found in my trials, we seem to need an all or nothing approach in list themes.

'Want an LRC? Better go all out on that heavy armor because you won't be able to take a useful collection of smaller/cheaper units after all the points that will take.' Starting to drift off topic now, so I'll stop there. Big blobs without Cenobyte buffs to compensate for the Morale blow they'll take after losing all those bullet sponge rookies seem like a serious liability. While that sounds bad, it means that Cenobytes are useful again!Feel you brother, the way I used to play it's worthless in this edition plus I want to incorporate other stuff which doesn't make it easier.Cenobytes seem like the best buff when running multiple infantry squads, and Apothecaries go well with that, I might as well just run a Chaplain to work in tandem. While assault is better in several respects, it took some hits in regards to our old status.

The loss of our Rage/Counter-attack buff hurts potential, and the loss of attacks for Power Weapons hurt the Crusader Squad's heavy hitters a bit. The former is quasi-temporary mind you, because while we simply don't have special rules aside from the Crusader Squad itself right now (Characters excluded) special rules are inevitable, but similar buffs are not guaranteed.It is worth making note that blood angel death company and SW blood claws (as well as skyclaws and switclaws) kept their additional attack on the charge. I do not believe we are intended to get this sort of special rule at a later time.I'll be happy to be proven wrong, mind.

Black Templar Crusader Squad Rules

Posted By — Black Templars vs Astra Militarum – 1,500 PointsBattle report inbound - let us take on the Black Templars!Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutesI have got a new battle report today for you! It’s 1,500 of Astra Militarum taking on the Black Templars – who I’ve never played before. The battle was at and we used the. This battlefield is using 1 Large Set – Go to Ground currently has 25% off on small sets if you wanted to get started.My little bit of research told me they would possibly be melee focussed because of their ability to re-roll failed charges. But other than that I just expected Marines.

Never miss an article? Black Templars List. Emperor’s Champion. A Chapter Master style Warlord – I think. 10 Man Crusader Squad with Plasma Pistol, Flamer and lots of Chainswords and Bolt Pistols. with the Crusaders inside. 5 Man with Thunder Hammers and Storm Sheilds.

with Twin Assault Cannon and Hurricane Bolters – with the Terminators inside. – also inside the Land Raider. Crusader Squad with Lascannon and Plasma Gun. Venerable with Power Fist and Plasma Cannon.

Squad of five MarinesThis was a Battalion Detachment and so gave the Black Templars 8CP. Astra Militarum List Battalion Detachment – Cadian. with Old Grudges (against the Land Raider) and Relic of Lost Cadia. Yarrick. Creed.

2x. 4x.

3x with an Infantry Squad in each. Two squads of five RatlingsSpearhead Detachment – Catachan. 3x Cyclops Demolition Vehicles. Executioner with Plasma CannonsThis gives me a total of 9CP.And so today we will find out how the do with a screen of Guardsmen and Chimeras. 1,500 points of Astra Militarum Deployment & MissionThe mission was Contact Lost from the Basic Rulebook.

We set up along the long board edges because that’s where we were stood.Contact Lost only lets you generate cards up to the number of objectives you hold. But on turn 1 you just get one card. And so on turn 2 if you hold four objectives you can draw up to four cards.I finished deploying last and don’t win first turn and I didn’t Seize the Initiative.I’d deployed my Cyclops behind my Chimeras and Leman Russ. Out of the line-of-sight of the enemy.

The plan was to move forwards and keep them obscured – then let them flow forward in a tide of high explosives.The Ratlings set up on objectives. One squad basically in my deployment zone and the other off to the right flank and hidden. Packed in tightBlack Templars – Turn 1Their first card was Defend Objective 3. Which the Dreadnought was happily perched on top of.The Land Raider, full of Terminators, is what I feared the most.

I was never going to destroy it on my turn 1, therefore, it would move forward and it would then disembark its cargo right into me. Lotr bfme 2 rise of the witch king download. This was a given.The Black Templars started their turn by moving the Land Raider up – as expected – along with the Emperor’s Champion and a Intercessors.The Land Raider opened up on the Autocannon Team and wasted them all with ease. First Blood.The Dreadnought and Lascannon in the Crusader squad went after my Leman Russ.

Reducing it to 6 wounds.A single Command Squad Plasma was lost to Bolt Rifle fire.So the Black Templars ended their turn with First Blood but no further objectives. Black Templars rolling up the battlefield Astra Militarum – Turn 1I used Jury Rigging to bring the Tank Commander Leman Russ back to 7 wounds and into his top tier of characteristics. So he was hitting on a 3+ again. I’d also drawn Objective 3 which was on the other wise of the board and had a Dreadnought on it.As intended my Chimeras and Cyclops moved up.

Black Templars Crusader Squad

This put about 12″ between two of my Chimeras and the Land Raider and about the same distance between the other Chimera and the Intercessors.The Command Squad of Plasma targeted the Intercessors using Overcharge, as did the Wyverns. All five Marines died.Ratling sniper fire took two wounds from the enemy Warlord. The Crusader Squad with the Lascannon and Plasma Gun to three casualties from the Wyverns.Finally, the Plasma Tank Commander smashed 10 wounds from the Land Raider.

The Catachan Tank Commander is such an awesome thing. Re-rolling all those shots, especially with Grinding Advance, means you’re pumping out about 12 shots.The Cyclops would have to wait a turn before exposing themselves.I forgot to discard my objective. Black Templars – Turn 2With only one objective held the Black Templars drew no new cards.

But they would accomplish their current objective at the end of this turn for 2VP.The Emperor’s Champion moved up. The Land Raider as expected disembarked it’s Terminators and Chaplin, then limped away.The Drop Pod arrived with its 10 Crusaders. The Dreadnought stayed still.The shooting was decent from the Black Templars and they wiped out a squad of Guardsmen in my deployment zone on an objective from the Land Raider’s shots and the Crusader Bolt Pistols.The Dreadnought went after the Chimera in front of it and it took some wounds. The Leman Russ survives the Lascannon – thanks to it missing.No shots went towards my Cyclops.And now came the chargesThe Emperor’s Champion went for a Chimera.

The Terminators went for Yarrick’s Chimera, as did the Crusaders. All charges were successful.The Chimera with Yarrick in was destroyed and the Guardsmen inside piled out. Before the Crusaders inside even had the chance to strike. The Terminator Thunder Hammers did 12 wounds destroying it with ease.The Emperor’s Champion didn’t destroy the Chimera he charged. Astra Militarum – Turn 2I was able to generate one new card which was Aerial Denial.

Easily doable for 6″ but the Dreadnought was within 12″.Everything that was in combat moved away to expose the enemy units. This gave me space to shoot at the Terminators and the Emperor’s Champion.The leftmost Cyclops moved into a prime position in order to attempt to hit the Land Raid, Chaplin, Crusaders, Drop Pod and Terminators. But it would also possibly hit a squad of Guardsmen and Yarrick.Another moved right into the Terminators ready for a detonation.

It could hit Creed, Yarrick, a Chimera, 2 Squads of Guardsmen and my Tank Commander.The other Chimera containing its troops moved right past the Emperor’s Champion towards the Dreadnought. The Catachan Cyclops followed. Staying close to the Chimera’s much larger chassis.And so the stage was set. The leftmost Cyclops exploded.

Once the dust had cleared a few Guardsmen were caught in the blast and perished. But the Land Raider was now gone, it’s final 6 wounds stripped away. 6 wounds were also dealt against the Drop Pod. 6 Crusaders were vaporised. That was pretty good!I decided not the detonate the other Cyclops in front of the Terminators. It was too high risk with so many of my units nearby.The rest of my shooting finished off the Crusaders from the Drop Pod.

My Plasma Command Squad killed the Emperor’s Champion. And the Ratlings dealt more wounds to the enemy Warlord – who was down to two wounds now.I charged Yarrick into the Terminators along with some Guardsmen. Yarrick perished in spectacular fashion after doing no damage.

The Guardsmen didn’t do anything either other than screen the Terminators a little from my Tank Commander.I got Area Denial for 1VP. The Dreadnought was too close for the D3 VP. Go To Ground Wargaming ReviewBlack Templars – Turn 3The Black Templars had to put three units into their deployment zone for a single VP this turn. This was easily doable with the Warlord, Dreadnought and the Crusader Squad with the Lascannon.The Dreadnought attempted to destroy the Chimera in front of him. It failed after I made a single 6+ save.The Lascannon went after the Tank Commander and failed after I made a single 6+ save.The Terminators chomped their way through Guardsmen with ease finishing off the squad.The Dreadnought charged my Chimera and left its deployment zone, but the Chimera survived!

Despite it having just three wounds left. Dreadnought charging!Astra Militarum – Turn 3I picked up Secure Objective 4 and Secure any 3 Objectives for D3. Four was nearby and some Guardsmen easily got to it. This gave me my 3 Objectives for D3.The Cyclops that had sneaked towards the Dreadnought behind the, now badly Damage, Chimera – moves right next to the Dreadnought and exploded. The Dreadnought was now gone.The other Cyclops near the Terminators detonated this turn. But only after moving right behind and away from Creed and a Chimera. A few Guardsmen were caught in the blast.

The Chaplin died after sustaining 10 hits from the Cyclops and a few Terminators were now just pairs of heavily armoured smoking boots.The rest of the Terminators met their end via the Plasma Tank Commander.Finally, the Wyverns dispensed their mortars towards the lone Crusaders with the Lascannon and finished them off.This left only the Warlord left for the Black Templars and the Drop Pod. The Black Templars conceded and the battle was an Astra Militarum victory! The final battlefield SummaryMVP? Cyclops, all day long. Their total points cost is 180 for all three. Their destructive capabilities, if they go unhindered, is massive.I don’t know how many points of Black Templars they destroyed but it was more than 180.

I’m not sure what else can kill so much stuff for the Astra Militarum for so few points. A single Leman Russ costs more than this and will not deal this much damage.Even the Tank Commander didn’t deal this much damage.If they had been targeted and killed then the game may have been very different Like what you read here? Please consider supporting me using.