Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mandalorian

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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mandalorian 10,0/10 9935 votes
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  3. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mandalorian Mod

' Master Kenobi, Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia.

Apr 27, 2019  Not a big fan of the whole Mandalorian thing, so not overly excited. But I will check it out and hopefully Favreau will change my mind! He’s pretty good.

They died out years ago.' ―Prime Minister AlmecMandalore was a located in the. It was the of the, a fearsome and warmongering people who fought the and raided their during the fall of the. Wearing distinctive, they were feared throughout, and had political influence over two thousand other star systems.of war left the planet inhospitable, forcing the Mandalorians to live within. A came to power at the end of these wars, led by, while those who refused to give up their warrior ways were exiled to the. During the, the New Mandalorians were by, though the would rule the planet after the war's end.

' This lightsaber was stolen from your Jedi Temple by my ancestors during the fall of the Old Republic.' ―Pre Vizsla, to Obi-Wan Kenobi, regarding the darksaberThe fought in many conflicts, often against the.

No Mandalorian prior to was accepted into the Jedi Order. During the fall of the, these raided the on, seizing the Vizsla's. Before his, Tarre Vizsla ruled all of Mandalore, and about a later, the darksaber had ended up in the possession of a descendant, leader of. After of war, the once beautiful surface of Mandalore was to an endless. This event would cause many to turn their back on violence, giving rise to the, who constructed and peacefully inhabited insulated on their ruined. Mandalore exiled their remaining warriors to their, where they were believed to have died out sometime later. The Mandalorian Civil War.

' You and Satine have a history.' ' An extended mission when I was younger. Master Qui-Gon and I spent a year on Mandalore protecting the duchess from insurgents who had threatened her world. They sent bounty hunters after us. We were always on the run, living hand-to-mouth, never sure what the next day would bring.' ' Sounds romantic.' ―Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi on the latter's relationship with Duchess Satine KryzePrior to the 's, and his spent a on Mandalore protecting during a.

The three were pursued by, and were constantly on the move. During this time, Kenobi and Kryze formed a romantic attachment.

The war killed the majority of Mandalore's population. When the young Duchess returned, she was forced to rebuild her without the 's assistance, as they were reassigned shortly after the conflict's end.

The Clone Wars Maintaining NeutralityThe bombing of a memorial shrine on Mandalore.While nominally a member of the, the saw Mandalore declare neutrality between the Republic and the. However, a splinter group known as Death Watch who wished to return Mandalore to the ways of its ancestors, secretly led by Concordia's Pre Vizsla, attempted to take back Mandalore with Separatist assistance. After a bombing of the in Mandalore's of, Duchess Satine and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi departed to Concordia to investigate, as the bomber was from the province. There they discovered the Death Watch's secret staging ground, and that Pre Vizsla was their leader.

Barely escaping with their lives, the two returned to Mandalore.Fearing now for the stability and future of her planet, Kryze departed for Coruscant along with other representatives of the to plead her case to the Republic. During the voyage they were attacked by Separatist forces and Kryze herself was targeted for kidnapping and by Senator of, but was rescued by Kenobi and fellow Jedi Knight.Kryze's attempts to remain neutral in the war grew complicated as Death Watch assassination attempts continued on Coruscant and evidence surfaced linking the attacks to the Confederacy.

Despite being framed for the murder of one of her cohorts, Satine managed to disprove the alleged evidence and in the process stalled Mandalore's involvement in the war as well as Death Watch's attempts at conquering the planet. Black Market ConspiracyFollowing Kryze's reaffirmation of the planet's neutrality, the economy began to struggle due to a lack of connection with key Republic supply routes. In order to ensure that much needed supplies continued to reach the planet, a with smugglers. In an attempt to speed up the creation and distribution process for imported tea, the Moogan smugglers unintentionally introduced a dangerously high level of the chemical. This resulted in a mass poisoning of Mandalorian. This incident coincided with a visit by Senator.

Together Amidala and Kryze uncovered the source of the incident and crippled Almec's operation.Almec forces Satine to sign an admission of conspiracy.Following these events, Jedi Padawan was assigned to Mandalore to educate the students at the about the dangers of corruption. In between lessons, the students, led by Kryze's nephew, discovered evidence of food and supplies being moved unofficially. When the students raised concerns to the Duchess, Almec enlisted the to arrest both Satine, the students, and Ahsoka Tano. In an attempt to keep his operation under wraps, Almec forcefully tried to coerce Kryze into signing a confession of conspiracy.

The resisted and fought back and in the process Almec was arrested and sent to. Coup and the Battle of SundariIn the later years of the war Death Watch once again attempted to conquer Mandalore. Now allied with former and his collection of crime families, the, Pre Vizsla organized a series of strikes throughout the capital city of Sundari. Members of the, and Maul's apprentice conducted attacks on numerous key locations creating mass panic and loss of life.

Kryze's peace keeping forces were overwhelmed and soon the frightened public of Sundari marched to the courtyard of the demanding action. Capitalizing on the panic, Pre Vizsla and the rest of his Death Watch forces made a public promise to the people of Sundari to protect them from further attacks.

After Vizsla's men appeared to have halted further attacks, the public populace turned to Death Watch to provide new leadership and guidance. Secretly, Kryze was arrested and placed in prison.Pre Vizsla declares himself Prime Minister of Mandalore.As Vizsla took his place as the new appointed Prime Minister and, disagreements developed between him and Maul, which lead to the arrest and public shaming of both the Sith Lord and his apprentice. While in prison, Maul allied himself with former Prime Minister Almec, hoping to establish him as a potential puppet leader should he regain control of the planet. Together, the three escaped from prison and Maul challenged Vizsla to single combat to determine the deserving ruler of the planet. Maul defeated Vizsla and executed him in front of his own men, now claiming the title of Mand'alor for himself. Maul then reappointed Almec to be the planet's prime minister.

In order to assuage public opinion and cover for Maul's role in Vizsla's death, Almec informed the public that it was in fact Satine Kryze that had murdered Vizsla and that the former Mand'alor's final act was to reinstate his position as prime minster.Satine Kryze dies in Obi-Wan Kenobi's arms after being fatally stabbed by Darth Maul.Despite the fact that Maul now commanded Death Watch a portion of its forces, led by Vizsla's lieutenant and Satine Kryze's sister, rebelled against his leadership and began to actively work towards his defeat. Bo-Katan and her nephew Korkie organized a rescue for Satine in the hopes that she could contact the Republic for aide. While Kryze was captured once again by Maul's forces, she was able to send a message to the Jedi Temple. While unable to send military or official Jedi support due to Mandalore's neutrality, Obi-Wan Kenobi took it upon himself to personally see to Satine's rescue. Kenobi infiltrated Maul's loyal Death Watch forces and broke Satine free from prison.

However, once again, Maul's forces blocked their escape from the planet and arrested both. Fulfilling his personal vendetta against Kenobi, Maul murdered Kryze and sentenced Kenobi to indefinite imprisonment.The Battle of SundariIn transfer from the Royal Palace to his cell, Kenobi was rescued by Bo-Katan's forces. At this point, Bo-Katan's faction of Death Watch and thoseloyal to Maul. As the city erupted into chaos, Bo-Katan managed to secure Kenobi's escape from the planet in the hopes that he would bring Republic reinforcements. Meanwhile, having grown aware the situation on Mandalore, arrived on planet and personally confronted his former apprentice. The resulting conflict lead to the death of Savage Oppress and the capture of Darth Maul, effectively ending his direct rule of Mandalore. Age of the Empire Imperial rule.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Download

' Mandalore was on its knees before the Emperor. After he put Saxon in power, we had a choice. Side with him or Clan Wren would be destroyed.' ―Ursa Wren, to Sabine WrenLater, the brought further conflict to the world. During the last days of the Clone Wars, the of the led by Commander Ahsoka Tano and laid siege to Mandalore. Tano managed to corner Maul but the former Sith Lord escaped when caused the Clone troopers with the exception of Rex to turn on all Jedi.

Tano and Rex managed to flee into hiding. Following the siege, the Republic and its successor state, the, occupied Mandalore.After the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Bo-Katan became of Mandalore.

However, she refused to do the new Empire's bidding and was forced out of power by, who collaborated with the Empire. Of Clan Saxon was made and Governor of the planet by the Empire with the as his enforcers. The Empire established an on Mandalore for training military.One notable Imperial cadet was, whose mechanical talents were used to build the known as the 'Duchess'. The 'Duchess' was capable of reacting with the alloy inside and incinerating Mandalorian warriors.

Sabine became horrified that the weapon was being used to subjugate Mandalore and destroyed her weapon. Sabine spoke out against the Empire but her sided with the Empire and cast her out. After a stint at bounty hunting with, Sabine joined the, which was part of the rebel cell. As punishment for Sabine's actions, her father was made a hostage of Clan Saxon on Mandalore to ensure his family's compliance. Another civil warViceroy Saxon ruled Mandalore on behalf of the Empire until his at the hands of in.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Review

Saxon's death caused a between Clans Saxon and Wren, with the former being backed by the Empire. By, Gar Saxon had been succeeded by his brother as Governor. Clan Wren's insurrection had been joined by Lady Bo-Katan's Clan Kryze, Clan Vizsla, and, the last surviving member of the.The new Governor Saxon ordered Alrich's public execution in Sundari. Before Clan Wren and rebel forces could him from his, Saxon had evacuate the prisoner in a convoy. After Ursa learned that her husband had been evacuated, she worked with Sabine, Bo-Katan, Rau, and the Spectres to trap the Imperial convoy. Ursa's forces staged a diversionary attack, causing the convoy to travel through a narrow canyon. Sabine and her allies ambushed the convoy and freed Alrich.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mandalorian Mod

However, this victory was overshadowed when Saxon deployed a rebuilt copy of the 'Duchess' against Ursa's forces.The surviving Mandalorians and rebels retreated to Bo-Katan's camp. To atone for her role in creating the 'Duchess', Sabine volunteered to lead a strike mission aboard to destroy the weapon and the associated data. Saxon's Star Destroyer was parked above Sundari.


At the advice of, Saxon trapped Sabine aboard the weapon's storage chamber and tried to force her to strengthen the weapon. However, Sabine reprogrammed the machine to target stormtrooper armor and destroyed the 'Duchess'. The resulting explosion destroyed Saxon's Star Destroyer, p.