Virtual Villagers 5 Help

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This Virtual Villagers 5 – New Believers walkthrough will guide you through the entire game, allowing you to swiftly and successfully complete the game. This walkthrough is filled with awesome tips, tricks and even some cheats here and there. Virtual Villagers Origins 2 is a unique simulation point-and-click game developed by Last Day of Work, LLC. The game takes you to the famous and mystical island of Isola– A beautiful island that was once a paradise home to a thriving civilization but now has been destroyed and is left as it is. The game will put you to discover the island and manage its resources.

  1. Virtual Villagers Origins 2 Puzzle 5 Help
  2. Virtual Villagers 5 Walkthrough Clay Pot

Table of Contents.Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers – Game IntroductionWelcome to the Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers walkthrough on Gamezebo. Virtual Villagers 5 is a simulation game played on PC and Mac created by Last Day of Work. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Virtual Villagers 5.Once again we return to the beautiful island of Isola to build a village and solve puzzles. However, this time the villagers’ efforts are thwarted by a tribe of heathens who hamper your attempts to gather food and build the village.

A mixture of clever trickery and gentle persuasion is needed to convince the heathens to join you in becoming one big, happy tribe. VillagersSelecting Your TribeStart by selecting the 5 starting members of your tribe. To get the best start, select at least one male and one female of reproducing age (18 and older). The younger your adult villagers are, the longer they will be with you, so it’s best to select villagers in their twenties.In addition, you need at least one child.

The child will help you with picking mushrooms and retrieving collectables, which is essential, particularly at the start of the game. My preference goes to children of 8-10 years old, so you have a little while to get started and build your love shack before you have to start reproducing but don’t need to wait absolutely forever to get extra helping hands.It is tempting to select a nursing mother as that gives you an instant extra tribe member to start with. However, nursing mothers can’t work until the child is weaned at age 2, so in fact you will have less useful tribe members at the start of the game.Don’t forget to check your tribe members’ likes and dislikes before you select someone.

Some dislikes may cause problems when you’re trying to teach them new skills. The worst dislike, in my opinion, is a dislike for running, as your villager will become the slowest walker and worker ever.Villager Life Cycle. One year in the life of your villagers is an hour of game time in fast mode. Children under 14 do not work, but are the only villagers who can pick mushrooms and gather collectables. It is therefore wise to always have at least one or two children around.


Between the ages of 14 and 18 children can work, but they can’t yet reproduce. Over 18, villagers can start having babies. The reproductive age of the females ends at age 50. Mother’s cannot work while they are nursing, which is until the baby is 2 years old. Having a lot of nursing mothers therefore considerably reduces your active work force.SkillsIn this installment of Virtual Villagers there are 6 skills your villagers can master.

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The more experience they get in a skill, the more efficient they will become at it. Skill levels they can reach are apprentice, adept and master.To start your villager on a skill, just drag and drop your villager on the project you want them to work on. For an unskilled villager, it may take a few tries to get them to pick it up, so keep trying until they get it. Once your villager has successfully started work, they will pretty much keep working by themselves, with the odd break to eat or do laundry or any of the other leisure activities.

If your villager has several skills, they will predominantly work on their highest level skill, though they may sometimes decide to go and do something else for a while.Your villagers’ highest level skill will be listed in the character details at the bottom of the screen when you select the villager. In the villager’s detail menu you can see all the villager’s skills.In the detail menu you can also set a preferred skill by ticking the box on the right of the skill. Your villager will then focus on this skill, even if it is their lowest level. Note that they won’t always work on this skill, though, just with increased frequency.

Also note that it can be dangerous to set a male villager’s preferred skill to parenting, as he could double your population while you’re on the loo.FarmingThe farming skill can be improved by picking noni berries, harvesting the crops from the farm and fishing.BuildingThe building skill can be improved by building huts, upgrading the statue, clearing out the mausoleum and dismantling the totems. When you’ve completed all puzzles and built all structures, you can still train builders by getting them to inspect and fix the huts, and polishing the statue. Don’t train too many builders at the start of the game, or it will take you a very long time to get any master builders, which are required for some of the puzzles.ResearchTo increase the research skill, set your villagers to work in the lab.HealingThe healing skill can be improved by healing sick villagers or setting the villager to study medicine in the hospital.ParentingThe best way to increase the parenting skill is by having children, but also by hugging and telling stories. Becoming a master parent seems to have been made a little bit easier in this installment of the series.DevotionThe Devotion skill is increased by converting the blue masked heathens and honoring the statue. To get a master devotee once all the blue masks have been converted, the only option available is to honor the statue. However, you can’t get anyone to honor the statue if they don’t already have some skill in Devotion (at least, not that I have found). Therefore, the best way to create new master devotees is to set a former master devotee to teach in the nursery, as this will give the children a head start in Devotion.

Then when they turn 14, set their preferred skill to devotion and they will start honoring the statue by themselves. TechnologiesAs with previous installments of Virtual Villagers, there are 6 technologies you can research. You can find these in your tech menu. Each technology has 3 levels, which you can “buy” from the tech menu with tech points accumulated by your scientists. If you hover your cursor over the various technologies in the tech menu, you will be told how many tech points are needed to buy the next level.ScienceThe higher your Science level, the faster your villagers accumulate tech points.

Although Science is one of the more expensive technologies to acquire, it does pay not to leave it till last, as it will increase the speed at which you can buy the other technologies. Level 2 Science gives you the base of the clothes hut to build.MedicineThe higher your advances in Medicine, the lower the rate of disease in your tribe.

It also makes your villagers more fertile and live longer.ConstructionAdvances in Construction allow your villagers to build and repair various structures. At each level of Construction you will get the basis for a new hut. Huts allow you to increase your population to a new level. The max population you can house in your huts is 90, but you can increase your population beyond this by finding complete sets of collectibles, which will add 5 to your maximum population each.You can also increase your population beyond the maximum by reviving fallen villagers or converting heathens after the maximum has been reached. Note, however, that you won’t be able to have any more babies until the population has dropped below the maximum level again.LearningHigher levels of Learning allow your villagers to increase their skills faster.

Level 3 Learning allows you to build a nursery school. Drag a villager who is a master in at least two skills onto the school and they will start teaching the children.

Each time children go to school they will get a little bit of knowledge in one of the skills of your master teacher. This will get them started more quickly and easily when they reach working age.Food MasteryHigher levels of Food Mastery mean that the food your villagers harvest is worth more. It does not unlock new food sources.SpiritualitySpirituality increases your maximum Divine Energy and allows you to upgrade the hand statue in the middle. FoodAs always, food is an important but scarce commodity in this game.

Before you’ve built your granary, the only food you can get are the mushrooms, which can be collected by children under 14. So carefully look around for any mushrooms.Once you’ve built the granary (puzzle #2) and dismantled the Hungry Totem (puzzle #3), you will gain access to the noni bush to the east of your enclosure. The fruit will grow back slowly after you’ve emptied the tree.

However, you can instantly grow back 20 fruits by putting a swarm of bees onto the bush.Your third food source comes from the farm in the north, which can be unlocked by completing puzzle #5. When you have harvested all the crops it will take 110 minutes in fast mode for the crops to grow back. However, you can also instantly grow the crops back by casting the Hand of Bloom spell.Finally, you will be able to fish in the lake once you’ve completed puzzle #10.

Just throw a villager into the lake and they will start fishing. Annoyingly, the path between the lake and the food bin sometimes comes too close to the heathen dirt village, meaning your fishermen might be chased away and drop their food. Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about it but try again. HeathensNew to this installment of the series are the heathens, who are there to make your life difficult. There are 4 different types of heathens, each with their own behavior.Blue MasksThe blue masked heathens are harmless; they just run around the tribe doing their own thing. They are also the most susceptible to hearing the “truth” – which is that they should really join your tribe.You can convert the blue masked heathens by dropping one of your villagers on them. If you’re successful in telling the “truth”, a yellow orb will appear above the heathen’s head, and your villager’s devotion skill will increase.

After a while, approximately 2 hours of game time in fast mode, the orb will disappear and you will need to talk to them again. Don’t talk to them while they’re still pondering your last words because they will get annoyed and run away.The heathen’s faith, indicated on the little dial on the bottom right of the screen, will increase a little each time you’ve preached to them.

Once their faith moves into the blue area of the dial, they will be converted and you will gain a tribe member.It is possible to lose one of your own villagers to the blue masks if you should make the wrong decision in any of the numerous island events you can get. You will just have to convert them back like the other blue masks.Tip: If you can’t get to the blue masks because they’re surrounded by orange or red masked guards, scatter the guards with throwing a swarm of bees at them. Alternatively, wait until a rain storm, as the heathens will scatter and run for cover.Orange MasksThe orange masked heathen guards are very territorial and will chase your villagers away when they come too near. This can cause a slew of problems, as it will stop your villagers from working, or make them drop important items – which they will then actually lose.Orange guards can quite easily be distracted, however, in various ways. Firstly, you can lure them away with another villager.

Drop a villager near the orange masks to get their attention, then pick the villager up again and slowly move them in the direction you want them to go. The orange guards will follow your villager and even stop and wait when you stop and wait.You can also scare them away with several of the many spells you gain during the game. You can scatter them with bees – although your own villagers won’t come anywhere near the bees either – or frighten them off with lightning.The orange masks can be very annoying, as after they’ve chased you off, they slowly walk back to their camp. If their path happens to be a path that your builders or farmers take, they can get stuck constantly chasing away your villagers that walk along that path. The best way to get them to move away is to manually pull your villagers out of their path so the orange masks will walk away.There is one orange masked child, a little rascal, who doesn’t stay near the object they’re guarding, but terrorizes the whole village. He can do a lot of damage to your farmers. Lure him away from the routes your villagers take with another villager.Red MasksRed masked heathen guards are scary.

They don’t need to chase your villagers for them to run away. However, this also means that they can’t be lured away from their positions, and you will have to chase them off with lightning or bees.Later on in the game you can start converting both the orange and red masked heathens by unleashing earthquakes on their dirty little village. This will make them think for a while (about 2 hours in fast mode), during which time a yellow orb will appear over their heads, as with the blue masks. You don’t appear to have to wait until the orbs disappear before unleashing a new earthquake.

It will take quite a few times, but you will get there in the end.Once you’ve converted all the heathens, your builders will clean up the dirt hovel.Purple MasksPurple masked heathens are special. You will need to solve a puzzle to convert them (puzzles 1, 5, 9 and 13).

When you’ve converted one of them, they will drop a necklace piece near where they were sitting. Drop any villager on the necklace piece and they will take it to the statue.

Divine Energy and SpellsAnother new addition to this installment is the Divine Energy, which is shown in the top right bar on your screen. The energy bar shows two levels: your maximum energy and your currently available energy.You can increase your maximum energy by increasing your population and by collecting relics. However, only new relics will increase your maximum energy. As your maximum energy increases, you will unlock new spells you can use for your puzzles. Note that your maximum energy will decrease again if your population drops. This also means that you could lose previously unlocked spells.Your current energy shows how much Divine Energy you currently have available to use for spell casting.

Using a spell will decrease your current energy, but not your maximum energy. Your current energy increases gradually as your villagers go about their day, but collecting relics also helps top up your current energy.

Collecting relics you’ve already found before will not increase your current energy beyond the maximum.The spells you can acquire, and the divine energy required to unlock and cast the spells are:. 25 – Spawn Butterflies. Creates a swarm of butterflies to entertain your children. You have this spell from the start of the game.

25 – Swarm of Bees. Creates a swarm of bees that will scatter your enemies. You have this spell from the start of the game. 50 – Sunshine. Dries up a rain storm.

Virtual Villagers Origins 2 Puzzle 5 Help

100 – Lightning. Strikes a lightning bolt.

Virtual Villagers 5 Walkthrough Clay Pot

You can use this to temporarily scare away the heathens. 150 – Hand of Bloom. Grows up to 500 food worth of mushrooms and regrows the crops on the farm instantly. 300 – Tempest. Creates a rain storm. 400 – Fog of Doom.

Creates a thick fog in which your villagers can move around unseen by the heathens. 500 – Time Warp. Makes a villager superfast!. 600 – Revive. Revives a fallen villager. You will need to cast this spell on the remains of a deceased villager before they are taken to the mausoleum by their friends. The remains will appear on the grass outside the mausoleum.

Interestingly, if your village reaches its maximum population after a villager passes away, you can still revive the fallen villager and increase your population beyond the maximum. 700 – Rejuvenation.

Returns a villager to being a 5 year old child. 800 – Earthquakes. As the name suggests: creates an earthquake.StrategyThe order in which you do your projects in the early stages of the game is quite important, as a wrong decision can make life really hard for you.