Delphi Ado Query Sort Multiple

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Delphi Ado Query Sort Multiple

Jun 17, 2010  Returning multiple datasets with ADO and Delphi June 17, 2010 by Rodrigo 5 Comments Maybe when you’ve used the SQL Server Management studio ‘ve noticed that you can run multiple. - using.Net objects in Delphi for Win32 + ADO.Net - The fastest way to access MS SQL Server, MS Jet (Access) and Interbase (through OLEDB). Return Multiple Datasets using ADO. Shekar writes: Quote Instead of BOF and EOF, can i use recordcount = 0. ADO Table and Query - SysStrings not released; 2. Searching and sorting tables and query result sets is accomplished through several methods of the TDBISAMTable and TDBISAMQuery components. The basic searching methods for tables (not query result sets) include the FindKey, FindNearest, SetKey, EditKey, GotoKey, and GotoNearest methods. The KeyFieldCount property is used with the SetKey and EditKey methods to control searching using the.

Delphi ado query sort multiple pdf

Function TADOThreadedForm.RunThread(SQLString: widestring; LB:TListBox; Priority: TThreadPriority; lbl: TLabel): TCalcThread; var CalcThread: TCalcThread; begin CalcThread:= TCalcThread.Create(true); CalcThread.FreeOnTerminate:= true; CalcThread.ConnStr:= ADOConnection1.ConnectionString; CalcThread.SQLString:= SQLString; CalcThread.ListBox:= LB; CalcThread.Priority:= Priority; CalcThread.TicksLabel:= lbl; CalcThread.OnTerminate:= ThreadTerminated; CalcThread.Resume; Result:= CalcThread; end. CoInitialize and CoUninitialize must be called manually before using any of the dbGo objects. Failing to call CoInitialize will result in the ' CoInitialize was not called' exception.

Delphi Ado Query Sort Multiple Page

The CoInitialize method initializes the COM library on the current thread. ADO is COM. You.cannot. use the TADOConnection object from the main thread (application). Every thread needs to create its own database connection. You must use the Synchronize procedure to 'talk' to the main thread and access any controls on the main form.